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By LISA MASCARO and ALANNA DURKIN RICHER WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Ethics Committee’s long-awaited report on Matt Gaetz documents a trove of salacious allegations , including sex with an underage girl, that tanked the Florida Republican’s bid to lead the Justice Department . Related Articles National Politics | An analyst looks ahead to how the US economy might fare under Trump National Politics | Trump again calls to buy Greenland after eyeing Canada and the Panama Canal National Politics | House Ethics Committee accuses Gaetz of ‘regularly’ paying for sex, including with 17-year-old girl National Politics | Trump wants mass deportations. For the agents removing immigrants, it’s a painstaking process National Politics | Many Americans have come to rely on Chinese-made drones. Now lawmakers want to ban them Citing text messages, travel receipts, online payments and testimony, the bipartisan committee paints a picture of a lifestyle in which Gaetz and others connected with younger women for drug-fueled parties, events or trips, with the expectation the women would be paid for their participation. The former congressman, who filed a last-minute lawsuit to try to block the report’s release on Monday, slammed the committee’s findings. Gaetz has denied any wrongdoing and has insisted he never had sex with a minor. And a Justice Department investigation into the allegations ended without any criminal charges filed against him. “Giving funds to someone you are dating — that they didn’t ask for — and that isn’t ‘charged’ for sex is now prostitution?!?” Gaetz wrote in one post on Monday. “There is a reason they did this to me in a Christmas Eve-Eve report and not in a courtroom of any kind where I could present evidence and challenge witnesses.” Here’s a look at some of the committee’s key findings: ‘Sex-for-money arrangements,’ drug-fueled parties and trips The committee found that between 2017 and 2020, Gaetz paid tens of thousands of dollars to women “likely in connection with sexual activity and/or drug use.” He paid the women using through online services such as PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp and with cash or check, the committee said. The committee said it found evidence that Gaetz understood the “transactional nature” of his relationships with the women. The report points to one text exchange in which Gaetz balked at a woman’s request that he send her money, “claiming she only gave him a ‘drive by.’” Women interviewed by the committee said there was a “general expectation of sex,” the report said. One woman who received more than $5,000 from Gaetz between 2018 and 2019 said that “99 percent of the time” that when she hung out with Gaetz “there was sex involved.” However, Gaetz was in a long-term relationship with one of the women he paid, so “some of the payments may have been of a legitimate nature,” the committee said. Text messages obtained by the committee also show that Gaetz would ask the women to bring drugs to their “rendezvous,” the report said. While most of his encounters with the women were in Florida, the committee said Gaetz also traveled “on several occasions” with women whom he paid for sex. The report includes text message exchanges in which Gaetz appears to be inviting various women to events, getaways or parties, and arranging airplane travel and lodging. Gaetz associate Joel Greenberg, who pleaded guilty to sex trafficking charges in 2021, initially connected with women through an online service. In one text with a 20-year-old woman, Greenberg suggested if she has a friend, the four of them could meet up. The woman responded that she usually does “$400 per meet.” Greenberg replied: “He understands the deal,” along with a smiley face emoji. Greenberg asks if they are old enough to drink alcohol, and sent the woman a picture of Gaetz. The woman responded that her friend found him “really cute.” “Well, he’s down here for only for the day, we work hard and play hard,” Greenberg replied. ‘Substantial evidence’ indicates that Gaetz had sex with underage girl, the committee said The report details a party in July 2017 in which Gaetz is accused of having sex with “multiple women, including the 17-year-old, for which they were paid.” The committee pointed to “credible testimony” from the now-woman herself as well as “multiple individuals” who corroborated the allegation. The then-17-year-old — who had just completed her junior year in high school — told the committee that Gaetz paid her $400 in cash that night, “which she understood to be payment for sex,” according to the report. The woman acknowledged that she had taken ecstasy the night of the party, but told the committee that she was “certain” of her sexual encounters with the then-congressman. There’s no evidence that Gaetz knew she was a minor when he had sex with her, the committee said. The woman told the committee she didn’t tell Gaetz she was under 18 at the time and that he didn’t how old she was. Rather, the committee said Gaetz learned she was a minor more than a month after the party. But he stayed in touch with her after that and met up with her for “commercial sex” again less than six months after she turned 18, according to the committee. Gaetz said evidence would ‘exonerate’ him but provided none of it In sum, the committee said it authorized 29 subpoenas for documents and testimony, reviewed nearly 14,000 documents and contacted more than two dozen witnesses. But when the committee subpoenaed Gaetz for his testimony, he failed to comply. “Gaetz pointed to evidence that would ‘exonerate’ him yet failed to produce any such materials,” the committee said. Gaetz “continuously sought to deflect, deter, or mislead the Committee in order to prevent his actions from being exposed.” The report details a months-long process that dragged into a year as it sought information from Gaetz that he decried as “nosey” and a “weaponization” of government against him. In one notable exchange, investigators were seeking information about the expenses for a 2018 get-away with multiple women to the Bahamas. Gaetz ultimately offered up his plane ticket receipt “to” the destination, but declined to share his return “from” the Bahamas. The report said his return on a private plane and other expenses paid by an associate were in violation of House gift rules. In another Gaetz told the committee he would “welcome” the opportunity to respond to written questions. Yet, after it sent a list of 16 questions, Gaetz said publicly he would “no longer” voluntarily cooperate. He called the investigation “frivolous,” adding: “Every investigation into me ends the same way: my exoneration.” The report said that while Gaetz’s obstruction of the investigation does not rise to a criminal violation it is inconsistent with the requirement that all members of Congress “act in a manner that reflects creditably upon the House.” Justice Department didn’t cooperate with the committee The committee began its review of Gaetz in April 2021 and deferred its work in response to a Justice Department request. It renewed its work shortly after Gaetz announced that the Justice Department had ended a sex trafficking investigation without filing any charges against him. The committee sought records from the Justice Department about the probe, but the agency refused, saying it doesn’t disclose information about investigations that don’t result in charges. The committee then subpoenaed the Justice Department, but after a back-and-forth between officials and the committee, the department handed over “publicly reported information about the testimony of a deceased individual,” according to the report. “To date, DOJ has provided no meaningful evidence or information to the Committee or cited any lawful basis for its responses,” the committee said. Many of the women who the committee spoke to had already given statements to the Justice Department and didn’t want to “relive their experience,” the committee said. “They were particularly concerned with providing additional testimony about a sitting congressman in light of DOJ’s lack of action on their prior testimony,” the report said. The Justice Department, however, never handed over the women’s statements. The agency’s lack of cooperation — along with its request that the committee pause its investigation — significantly delayed the committee’s probe, lawmakers said.No, Voice of America is not a new government organization
The Texas Attorney General has sued the NCAA over the participation of trans athletes in women’s sportsCuriosity about how things work and a passion for research have helped youngsters take forward their ideas. Some have won patents for their innovation, while others have launched companies. All of them have been helped and supported by government agencies. Aided by the entrepreneurship development programme of the University of Madras, some students have taken the first steps towards developing products that could help them launch their start-ups. Vignesh Raju, a Ph.D in analytical chemistry, is a year away from completing his degree. His mentor T.M. Sridhar, head of Analytical Chemistry Department, is hand-holding him in his effort to develop a start-up. He has come up with a start-up, called Graphine Nano Continuum, that sells graphine oxide to industries. Karthik G., of the Department of Nuclear Physics, is mentored by K. Ravichandran, head of the department. Karthik has developed a wireless ECG device that uses AI and ML to analyse the risk of a person developing cardiovascular disease at a later date. Karthik says that when the data of a patient are fed into the instrument, it can detect the percentage of stress and evaluate the risk. “The basic model from Russia costs ₹50,000. It is very important to identify high-risk persons so that medical help reaches them early. Clinics can rent the product. We have applied for BIRAC funds,” he adds. The students are beneficiaries of a programme called Thulir, aimed at helping them launch start-ups. They were among the eight finalists who participated in competitions held at the university. Vignesh Raju’s team has five members. Of the 50 teams that submitted proposals, 20 were shortlisted and five of them were selected for the finals. Vignesh’s team received ₹2 lakh in seed money. “Our products are chemistry oriented. The starting materials for chemistry – metal oxide; graphine oxide leading that is used in all fields. We are doing graphine oxide, graphine based composite fuel battery for energy sector products. We also help to study characterisation of the chemicals,” explained the research scholar who partnered with two of his seniors and carried forward their project, he added. “When my seniors completed PhD and left for postdoctoral research in China I was next and they handed over thr project to me,” Vijay said.. “We are planning to participate in start-up India competition next year for seed money.” Two of his juniors are helping him now. The University of Madras is supporting their endeavour by checking on them through monthly meetings, he said. During the COVID-19 pandemic, two Chennai youngsters developed an LED-based calefactor, a device to supply heat. The device would efficiently supply energy, says Sanjay Mainmaran S., the inventor. Siblings Sanjay, a B.Arch graduate, and Vijay, now doing dentistry, experimented with readily available materials at home. “In Class 12, semiconductors were taught as a lesson in physics. And I became interested in it,” says Sanjay. He was also preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (Mains). He graduated recently from the National Institute of Technology, Kozhikode. He satisfied his curiosity about semiconductors by working with the more easily available LEDs. Vijay found that LEDs, when left on for extended periods, generated considerable heat. “We wondered whether we could use it to increase the heating capacity of utensils,” Sanjay says. He experimented at the college laboratory to develop parameters. His skills in using tools such as AutoCAD and SketchUp to create and test a prototype that would use LEDs for maximum heating efficiency helped. The brothers refined their design and tested with various components. By the end of the pandemic, they developed a working model that could heat up faster than conventional methods. Sanjay approached the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology that advised him to fine-tune the technology and helped in filing for a patent, which was granted. While the patenting was in progress, Sanjay established Manimaran Studios 8, a company that is being incubated at Mohamed Sathak Engineering College in Tirunelveli. In the intervening period, the brothers had begun working on board games. Their first venture is called Thirai. “I visit Chennai less frequently as I am incubating my company. We are developing board games. It is a ‘make in India by Indians for the world’,” says Sanjay. Published - December 08, 2024 10:15 pm IST Copy link Email Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit higher education / research / startups / technology (general) / science (general)
The Dolphins' improbable path to the playoffs isn't in their hands, but they must do their part
BEIJING , Dec. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- At the end of 2024, we take a look back at the Chinese economy's performance this year. China's domestic GDP grew by 5.3 percent year-on-year in the first quarter, 4.7 percent in the second quarter and 4.6 percent in the third quarter this year, with an average growth rate of 4.8 percent in the first three quarters. Since September, as a package of incremental policies continues to yield its effects, China's economy maintains an upward trend. Overall, we are fully confident in achieving our economic growth goal this year. The country's economic performance has been hard-won. Externally, transformations around the world unseen in a century are unfolding at a greater pace, with global economic growth remaining sluggish, and the complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment on the rise. At home, domestic demand is insufficient, social expectations remain weak and there are difficulties associated with structural adjustments. The situation is severe and complex, and the task is difficult and weighty. However, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, Chinese localities and government agencies are more confident and are taking solid steps to deliver outcomes. The results underscore that "fundamentals of the Chinese economy, and favorable conditions such as a vast market, strong economic resilience and great potential remain unchanged." Huge market, vast space Markets are the scarcest resource. The modernization achieved by 1.4 billion Chinese people has resulted in the addition of a new super-large market larger than those of all developed countries combined. The new development paradigm will enable China to fully unlock its market potential and create greater demand for other countries. With a new car rolling off production line on November 14 , China's annual production of new energy vehicles (NEVs) surpassed the 10 million milestone, becoming the first country in the world to do so. Behind the number is China's robust supply and demand. In the first 10 months, China's production and sales of NEVs grew by 33 percent and 33.9 percent year-on-year, respectively. China continues to take the lead in the electrification and intelligence transformation of the automotive industry, which is attributed to the supply, policy support and demand advantage in the ultra-large market. Markets bring valuable business opportunities. Take cars for example. By the end of June, China had 345 million cars, but the country's car ownership level per 1,000 residents is less than half of that in developed countries. Additionally, China's NEV ownership is only 24.72 million, which means continuous demand in the future. Markets breed competition advantages. China's vast market contributes to the formation of "economy of scale" and "economy of scope," which generates greater profits for enterprises and reduces innovations costs, and also helps provide a large number of application scenarios and boost the large-scale application of innovations. China leads the world in batteries, motors and electronic control technologies, while its intelligent cockpits and intelligent driving are internationally advanced. Thanks to the benign interactions between supply and demand, the industrialization of new technologies and new products is speeding up. Strong resilience, solid basis Resilience strengthens self-belief. China has come to where it is today after overcoming all kinds of difficulties and challenges. Foreign trade is an important barometer in this regard. In the first 10 months of the year, China's foreign goods trade rose by 5.2 percent year-on-year to reach a new high compared with the same period historically. The improvement in the quality and efficiency of the country's foreign trade against the backdrop of shrinking external demand reflects China's economic resilience. This resilience originates from China's solid manufacturing basis and industrial chain advantages. "We could not do what we do without them," Apple CEO Tim Cook said of Chinese suppliers during his third visit to the Chinese mainland this year, as over 80 percent of Apple's 200 major suppliers have set up factories in China . China has the world's most comprehensive industrial categories and a well-rounded industrial system, with the scale of manufacturing industry ranking top for 14 consecutive years. The high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing sector continues to strengthen the stability of the country's industrial and supply chain. In the first three quarters, the manufacturing industry contributed 32.2 percent to the country's economic growth, up 11.2 percentage points. China moved up to 11th place in the ranking of the world's most innovative economies. The basis is solid, and risks and challenges are not to be feared. Resilience also comes from excellent policy adjustments. The nation has been strengthening counter-cyclical adjustments, accelerating the implementation of major national strategies and the development of securities capabilities in key areas while supporting large-scale equipment upgrades and trade-in policies for consumer goods with robust measures, boosting the stabilization of the property market and galvanizing the capital market. The government has also put forward a package of measures to dissolve local government debt risks. This year, a series of existing policies continue to produce effects and incremental policies are being effectively implemented, jointly helping the economy stabilize. Vast potential, strong momentum China's economy has vast potential and many advantages and favorable conditions for sustaining long-term development momentum. China has been the world's second-largest economy for many years, but still has vast development potential in terms of per capita and structure. China's per capita GDP remains relatively low, and the country's amount of infrastructure per capita is only 20-30 percent of that of developed countries. In 2023, China's urbanization rate, which measures the ratio of permanent urban residents relative to the total population, reached 66.2 percent by the end of 2023. Estimates show that each percentage point increase in the urbanization rate could drive 1 trillion yuan ( $137.55 billion ) in investment. Currently, both China's fiscal deficit ratio and government debt ratio are low, and the country's policy toolbox remains well-stocked. The potential also lies in elementary resources. China's human resources in science and technology ranked first in the country and the average length of education received by new entrants into the workforce has increased to 14 years, turning the demographic dividend into a talent dividend. In addition, overall sufficient social capitals, vast room for the highly efficient use of land and the vast unleashing of the potential of digital elements provide solid foundational support. This potential also comes from the huge market. The country's population of over 1.4 billion and middle-income population of over 400 million support a large-scale, diverse and huge domestic market. Accelerating the building of a unified national market will improve overall economic operation efficiency and continuously unleash the potential of domestic demand. Overall, China is a country with vast territory, a large population and unbalanced and uncoordinated development. This is a shortcoming, but also represents potential and a driving force for future development. Sparking vitality and building synergy through reform is essential to continuously unleashing development potential. From implementing regulations for fair competition reviews, accelerating the legislative process of the law on the promotion of the private economy and formulating normal communication mechanisms between governments and enterprises, to releasing a new national negative list for foreign investment and removing all market access restrictions for foreign investors in the manufacturing sector, China's reforms in key fields continue to deepen this year and high-level opening-up advances in an in-depth way. The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization. Driven by reform of the economic system, China is correspondingly boosting reform in other fields, and the internal development momentum and vitality will continue to strengthen. Reviewing allows a clear understanding of the situation and better moving forward. While some major economies experience low growth rates and high inflation this year, China is expected to achieve its economic growth target of around 5 percent, and continue to contribute around 30 percent to world economic growth. This stable performance underlines the fact that China's economy will continue to remain on a positive trajectory over the long run. The story was originally published on the front page of the People's Daily on December 8, 2024 View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-times-peoples-daily-article-says-favorable-conditions-for-chinas-economic-development-remain-unchanged-302325568.html SOURCE Global Times
In less than one month, TikTok could be banned from app stores throughout the United States. But in a last-minute decision, the Supreme Court agreed to hear out arguments from TikTok and its Chinese parent company about why a ban could be unconstitutional. This spring, President Joe Biden passed legislation that would ban TikTok in January if its Chinese parent company ByteDance does not sell it. The legislation has been in the works for several years, as government officials fear that TikTok is a national security concern. If ByteDance does not sell TikTok by Jan. 19, the app will be illegal for distribution through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Internet service providers will also be required to make the app inaccessible on U.S. internet browsers. Here's what to know about the TikTok ban, including when SCOTUS will review the legislation. When will Supreme Court review the TikTok ban? The Supreme Court is set to review TikTok' arguments on Jan. 10, 2025 , just over a week before the ban could be implemented. Holiday deals: Shop this season’s top products and sales curated by our editors. What is TikTok asking SCOTUS to do? TikTok wants SCOTUS to overturn a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which states that the legislation's infringement of free speech rights is justified because of national security concerns. When could the TikTok ban go into place? The ban will go into place on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025, if ByteDance does not sell the platform by then. Could TikTok be bought? Though China has been vocal in the past about its opposition to selling TikTok, billionaire Frank McCourt has expressed his interest in purchasing the U.S. portion of the platform with a group of associates. McCourt, founder of Project Liberty and executive chairman of McCourt Global, said a consortium of associates has verbally pledged up to $20 billion for the purchase. However, if McCourt purchased TikTok, it would only be the U.S. portion and would not include TikTok's algorithm, which China sees as its intellectual property, McCourt told CBS' "Face the Nation" earlier this month. Does Donald Trump want to ban TikTok? President-elect Donald Trump's vision for TikTok when he takes office is unclear. Despite steps he took during his first term to ward off ByteDance, he has expressed different feelings for the app more recently. Last week, Trump said during a press conference that he has a "warm spot" for TikTok in his heart, as he believes the app helped him gain ground with young voters in the 2024 presidential election. “TikTok had an impact, and so we're taking a look at it,” Trump said. “I have a little bit of a warm spot in my heart. I'll be honest." USA TODAY has reached out to Trump's team for comment. Why did the government create the ban? Concerns about national security stem from worries that ByteDance, which is based in Beijing, has access to American data and is sharing it with the Chinese government. In 2020, Trump issued an executive order regarding TikTok. As part of the order, Trump tried to ban TikTok in the U.S. and prohibit any transactions with the company, according to the Trump White House archival website. However, this ban never went into place . In 2021, Biden revoked Trump's proposed ban and issued a new executive order regarding ByteDance, which said that the company "continues to threaten the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States," a U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit court opinion federal appeals court opinion states. In 2022, Biden signed a bill that prohibited the use of TikTok on government devices. What is TikTok? TikTok is a social media application known for its short-form videos. Users can create, post and interact with videos on the app. TikTok is popular for its scrolling algorithm and allows users to post videos between three seconds and 10 minutes long. Users may add different filters, backgrounds, music and stickers to their videos. Contributing: Maureen Groppe and Karissa Waddick Greta Cross is a national trending reporter at USA TODAY. Follow her on X and Instagram @gretalcross. Story idea? Email her at gcross@gannett.com .
Former Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Ann Tweedy has spoken candidly about the profound impact grief has had on her outlook on life following two significant losses. The star was left devastated after the untimely death of her former partner, One Direction's Liam Payne, who died at 31 after falling from a hotel balcony in Buenos Aires on October 16 . This heartache came after the loss of her close friend and bandmate Sarah Harding, who passed away at 39 in September 2021 following a battle with breast cancer. Cheryl reflected on how these events reshaped her perspective, telling MailOnline: "A lot of conversations we had before she left really sparked a different perspective for me, and I'll carry that. She wasn't ready to leave and I think, 'well I'm still here', I've got the gift of life to still live, and I'll do it with her in mind. It does shift a lot of things in your own heart." She continued: "With the loss and our age we just appreciate and love each other so much more. We always have loved each other, obviously. But it's just different, there's a different depth to it all now." Cheryl expressed her sorrow on Instagram with a photograph of Liam and their young son following the recent distressing news of Liam's death. The songstress, notable for her absence on social media since, first encountered Liam in 2008 when he auditioned on the X Factor and she was judging, reports the Mirror . At the time, Liam was just 14 while Cheryl was 24 years old. "I like you, I think you're really cute," Cheryl remarked to him, countering Simon Cowell's criticism that he wasn't 'fun' enough, adding: "You've got charisma, you gave us that little cheeky wink!" Two years later, Liam wowed the judges on his return to The X Factor. Cheryl openly praised him, saying: "You've definitely got it. Whatever it is, you've got it. And your voice is really powerful." Successfully making it through, Liam became a member of the newly minted One Direction, placed under Simon's mentorship. Meanwhile, Cheryl, in 2016, filed for divorce from her French husband, citing irreconcilable differences in her legal documents. Despite the formal decree nisi not being issued until October, Cheryl had started shaping a new life for herself by early that year. When Liam first revealed his new hand tattoo, it didn't seem to hold much significance. However, as time passed, it became evident that the tattoo was a heartfelt homage to Cheryl's famous rose tattoo on her lower back. Amid rumours of their growing closeness following their individual breakups, Liam posted an image of a rose on Instagram in February with the caption: "Happy Valentine's Day baby." It wasn't until May 2016, when the pair made a public appearance together at the Global Gift Gala in Cannes, that their relationship was confirmed. Scepticism about their romance was put to rest two days later when Liam changed his Instagram profile picture to one of the couple together. In 2017, Cheryl and Liam welcomed their son Bear into the world but parted ways a few months later. Despite the split, they remained on good terms, co-parenting their child until Liam's tragic death.The Pittsburgh Steelers have not looked like their usual selves on the defensive side over the past few weeks. The Steelers' defensive unit was utterly dominant throughout the first 11 weeks of the regular season, but some major injuries have taken their performance down a step. Ever since the loss to the Cleveland Browns in the snowstorm, Teryl Austin's defense has looked extremely concerning. The Steelers have now lost back-to-back weeks after reaching a comfortable AFC North lead with a 10-3 record. Through the first 10 games of the season, Austin's defense was only allowing about 16.2 points per game. Since the loss in Cleveland, that number has jumped to a concerning 27.4 points per game. A key aspect to the Steelers' success on defense has been their ability to force turnovers. The Steelers lead the entire NFL in takeaways with 31 , including 12 in the last five games. Despite their ability to create turnovers, the defense has not played nearly as well as earlier in the season. In both of their losses to the Baltimore Ravens and Philadelphia Eagles, the defense allowed over 400 yards of total offense. Also, in each loss, the Steelers allowed three offensive touchdowns by their opponents and haven't been able to force as many field goal attempts. Chris Carter and Ray Fittipaldo with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette talked about Pittsburgh's defensive struggles, and Fittipaldo pointed out that the team may have become too reliant on their ability to create turnovers. "What are they doing well right now? They're not stopping the run, as we saw against the Ravens," Fittipaldo explained to Carter. "They're not stopping the pass well, AJ Brown and DeVonta Smith just torched them a week ago. Lamar Jackson threw three touchdowns on them." Two weeks ago, Philadelphia's wide receiver duo combined for 219 yards on 19 catches and two touchdowns. In their last outing against the Ravens, Derrick Henry rushed for 162 yards , the most the Steelers have allowed by anyone all season. "This is a team that is highly dependent on turnovers," Fittipaldo continued. "Teryl Austin said last week or a couple of weeks ago, I forget when, that that's part of how they scheme their defense. They count on turnovers. But, Chris, when they don't come, when you don't fall on the football, they're not doing anything well enough to offset that. To me, they've become way too highly dependent on turnovers." While Minkah Fitzpatrick was finally able to record an interception in Baltimore, the Steelers had other opportunities where the Ravens put the ball on the ground. Pittsburgh was unable to take advantage of any of the fumbles by Baltimore, and that told the story of the game. The defensive struggles for Pittsburgh puts the organization in a much tougher spot to finish the regular season. The Steelers are essentially tied for first place in the division with Baltimore, but technically hold first place due to a better conference record. All fingers point to the Steelers needing to win their final two games to secure the division title, but this defense is going to have to deal with the Kansas City Chiefs and Cincinnati Bengals. As Fittipaldo highlighted, the Steelers are going to have to get back to limiting opposing offense's total yards and touchdowns, as opposed to focusing on taking the ball away. Another key factor to the defense's recent struggles is their number of starters being sidelined with injuries . The Steelers are currently without their top two cornerbacks, and safety DeShon Elliott's absence has been crucial. The Steelers are going to need some of their reliable defensive backs to return on Christmas if they want any shot at taking down the defending back-to-back Super Bowl champions. Steelers' TJ Watt Going To Have To Provide More Pressure On Chiefs' Offense Though he was playing through an injury with a banged up ankle, TJ Watt was unable to make a huge impact in their loss to the Ravens. Watt finished the game with just four total tackles and only one of those being a solo tackle. For the Steelers to have success against the Chiefs defensively, the front seven are going to need to put Patrick Mahomes under a lot of pressure. With the possibility of the Steelers being without their top two corners, the defensive line must have a huge game on their home turf. If the Steelers are unable to make an adjustment defensively, their Christmas Day will absolutely get ruined by Mahomes and the Chiefs. Austin and his defense have to clean up their tackling and execute the fundamentals. The Steelers have not been fundamentally sound over the past few weeks, and it's cost them. This article first appeared on SteelerNation.com and was syndicated with permission.
Stock market today: Wall Street rises at the start of a holiday-shortened weekNEW DELHI: Congress has filed a petition in Supreme Court challenging the recent amendments to the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961. In a statement, the party said that it hopes that the "fast eroding" integrity of the electoral process will be restored by the apex court. The move comes in the wake of the controversy that arose, when based on the recommendation of Election Commission, the Centre amended Rule 93(2)(a) to restrict the type of "papers" or electronic documents open to public inspection with the aim to prevent misuse of electronic poll records. This includes CCTV camera and webcasting footage, as well as video recordings of candidates, during the election process. Can't let EC tweak vital law in such brazen manner: Jairam Ramesh In a post on X, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh said, "A writ has just been filed in Supreme Court... EC, a constitutional body, charged with the conduct of free and fair elections, cannot be allowed to unilaterally, and without public consultation, amend such a vital law in such a brazen manner." He said "this is especially true when that amendment does away with public access to essential information that makes the electoral process more transparent and accountable". "Integrity of the electoral process is fast eroding. Hopefully SC will help restore it," he asserted. Stay updated with the latest news on Times of India . Don't miss daily games like Crossword , Sudoku , Location Guesser and Mini Crossword . Spread love this holiday season with these Christmas wishes , messages , and quotes .
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